Throughout the decades, most premium cigars, with a few exceptions, have been sold in cigar boxes. Made to appeal to the eye of the buyer, high-end cigar boxes add a look of luxury befitting the extraordinary craftsmanship that goes into the making of each cigar placed in the box. Sold in quantities of five, ten, twenty five, and in rare cases more, cigar boxes are made of cedar, to promote further aging, or other various woods, many of which are elegantly emblazoned with Cuban style artwork, or the brands signature logo proudly displayed on the top lid of the box. Furthermore, cigars in a box make an elegant presentation when gifted for a birthday, holiday, anniversary, wedding, or any other special occasion. Here at Casa de Montecristo, you will find a humungous selection of of the best box pressed cigars from famous brands such as, H. Upmann, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, My Father, Cohiba, and many more, all sold for the best prices on the market at one our many retail store locations throughout the country, and on our fully stocked website. Buy your favorite box of handrolled cigars from yours truly today, and show off your love and appreciation for fine handmade premium cigars. For a more affordable option, browse our collection of cigar packs.