Straying away from other Quattro offerings, Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua handmade premium cigars are Nicaraguan puros that are crafted at the famous Tabacalera AJ Fernandez in Esteli, Nicaragua instead of at Tabacalera Palma in the Dominican Republic. While they may be crafted using AJ Fernadez’s signature top-quality tobaccos, these puros are more brand owner Rafael Nodal’s vision than anything else, using exceptionally aged Nicaraguan tobaccos for the long fillers, binder, and wrapper leaf in the blend. Earning an impressive top-rated score and voted the best cigar on Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 of 2019, Quattro Nicaragua provides a complex and refined medium-full bodied smoke, delivering a patchwork of white pepper, nuts, spice, earth, espresso, and sweet tobacco notes that have impeccable balance and make for an incredibly good smoke. You would be remiss to pass over these gems for adding to your humidor’s collection. Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua cigars are shipped right to your door in boxes of 20 and are available in four popular sizes, order your box online today.