Following the top-rated Cigar of the Year of 2019, the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Sonata was created by famous blender Rafael Nodal to capture the composing style of sonatas in a cigar. Sonatas, written by legendary composers such as Beethoven and Mozart, have multiple movements throughout a piece that are connected by a central theme. To make his vision a reality, Nodal once again turned to master cigar blender and tobacco grower A.J. Fernandez and his eponymous Tabacalera A.J. Fernandez in Nicaragua. Like its predecessor, the Quattro Nicaragua Sonata is made entirely with Nicaraguan tobaccos, however different primings, longer fermentation and aging, and a selection of rare tobaccos delivers an entirely novel experience. Complex, refined, balanced and rich, you can expect the Quattro Nicaragua Sonata to provide your palate with a symphony of flavors such as roasted nuts, espresso, leather, peppery spice, chocolate, and tobacco sweetness. With six sizes to choose from, including an old-world figurado with both the cap and foot tapered, these exceptional cigars are worthy of a center-stage spot in your humidor. Reserve a box to pick up at your local store or have your Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Sonata cigars shipped right to your door by placing an online order with Casa de Montecristo today!