Aladino is a line of superb handmade premium cigars that are made entirely of authentic Corojo tobacco grown in The JRE Tobacco Farm in Honduras from original Cuban seeds. Aladino Cigars is a family project between veteran cigarmaker Julio R. Eiroa and his son, Justo, who both have a deep understanding and love for Corojo tobacco, and the fabulous taste that this prized leaf offers to any blend. The Aladino name stems from a vintage movie theater in Danlí, Honduras, which the Eiroa’s have converted into modern state-of-the-art cigar factory exclusively for these special blends . The Aladino brand portfolio consists of the original Aladino Corojo , and a limited-edition fuller bodied follow-up called Aladino Corojo Reserve. After discovering the savory virtues of prized Corojo tobacco, these unique premium cigars are certain to find a permanent home in your humidor.