Aladino Corojo is a unique line of premium cigars that are a family project between veteran cigarmaker Julio R. Eiroa and his oldest son, Justo. Every cigar is made entirely of authentic Corojo tobacco grown in Julio’s JRE Tobacco Farm in Honduras from original Cuban seeds. The Aladino name stems from a vintage movie theater in Danlí, Honduras, which the Eiroa’s have converted into modern state-of-the-art cigar factory used exclusively for this very special blend. Light one of these premiums pleasures and expect to be greeted by a blast of fiery black pepper, soon joined by luscious notes of coffee, buttery toast, cedar, and cashews, as the smoke progresses. This all amounts to a decadent medium to full bodied cigar that’s unlike any that you have ever smoked before . Order a box of these groundbreaking cigars today, and share the Eiroa’s intense passion for Honduran Corojo tobacco and the fabulous taste that this prized leaf provides.