One of the most unique and richest cigar blends on the market today, Camacho Triple Maduro cigars are geared toward the seasoned palate with triple the usual use of maduro tobaccos. In fact, every single leaf in this magical blend has been masterfully fermented to a dusky maduro quality, and it took almost 85 different blends to find the one that worked best.
An innovative blend, the Camacho Triple Maduro was originally made by the famous Eiroa family back when they owned the Camacho brand. The blend took the cigar world by storm, capturing the palates of aficionados around the country. While the original blend was tweaked when Davidoff took over Camacho, the Camacho Triple Maduro is just as good, if not better than ever!
This all-maduro blend features a top-quality Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper cloaking a Corojo maduro binder and expertly aged maduro long fillers from Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras. These tobaccos combine to create an exceptionally rich yet impressively smooth full-bodied smoke brimming with intertwined notes of dark chocolate, pepper, earth, spice, and tons of tobacco sweetness.
If you have a seasoned palate with a taste for maduro tobaccos, Camacho Triple Maduro is a must-have for your humidor. Available in 3 sizes, order your Camacho Triple Maduro cigars online today with Casa de Montecristo and pick up your box of 20 in-store or have it shipped right to your door.