Cohiba Black Cigars has crafted the ultimate stogie for aficionados who enjoy a daringly dark and full-bodied smoke. Cohiba Black is a luxury series that caters to bold palates. Cohiba Black Cigars teamed up with cigar master, Daniel Nunez for this insanely rich blend. Hand-crafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba Black Cigars feature a Piloto Cubano Dominican filler surrounded by a Connecticut Broadleaf binder. The oily, opulent wrapper is a choice Connecticut Broadleaf, which adds another decadent layer of flavor. What cannot be seen, but better yet tasted, is the three years this supreme tobacco was aged for. Notes of leather, espresso, peppery spice and smoky mesquite burst onto the taste buds with each puff. This is the epitome of full-bodied extravagance and a must-have for cigar connoisseurs. Purchase one of these beauties today in the several vitolas available.