Named after the 1000-day process that went into the creation of these premium gems, Crowned Heads Mil Dias cigars are a reflection of the care and craftsmanship that goes into every Crowned Heads cigar. Coming from the famous Tabacalera Pichardo, this four vitola line is crafted with a blend of finely aged Nicaraguan, Costa Rican, and Peruvian long fillers deftly tucked into a rich Nicaraguan binder and flawlessly dressed in a top-shelf Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. Crowned Heads Mil Dias will dazzle your palate with a bold and complex medium-full bodied smoke brimming with bountiful notes of pepper, spice, leather, earth, and a smooth finish with creamed coffee. If you want some of the best smokes yet from Crowned Heads in your humidor, then these are the smokes for you. Get yourself a box of 20 Crowned Heads Mil Dias cigars to enjoy by placing your online order!