The spiritual successor of a limited-edition blend released for the turn of the new millennium, Davidoff Millennium Blend Series cigars are some of the richest in Davidoff’s top-shelf White Label collection. Davidoff is famous across the world for producing some of the finest premium cigars, and the Millennium Blend Series is among the best in Davidoff’s diverse and vast portfolio.At the turn of the millennium, Davidoff released 2,500 boxes of a special blend made just for the occasion, boasting a unique wrapper and extensively aged tobaccos. However, they proved to be too decadently good to only do a limited release, so Davidoff’s talented blenders got to work on tweaked blend that continues to be a favorite among connoisseurs to this day.Covering an extensively aged center of Dominican seco and ligero long filler and binder tobaccos is a unique, top-quality wrapper. After 300 trials and experiments, the Hybrid 151 wrapper grown in specific Ecuadorian microclimates met the stringent standards of Davidoff’s master blenders.This proprietary and special leaf paired with the higher primings in the fillers combine to deliver a luxuriously rich, complex, and smooth medium-bodied smoke brimming with flavors of white pepper, roasted nuts, chocolate, wood, earth, creamed coffee, and a dried fruit sweetness. Coupled with Davidoff’s legendary construction, these top-notch cigars deserve the limelight in every humidor.Available in several sizes and packaging quantities, you can pick up your Davidoff Millennium Blend Series cigars in-store or have them shipped fast to your door by ordering them online right here at Casa de Montecristo.