Marking the 12th official entry into Davidoff’s luxurious and top-rated Zodiac Series, Davidoff Year of the Dragon cigars celebrate the Year of the Dragon and the Chinese New Year in a unique way. This year also marks the completion of the Zodiac calendar with the calendar restarting at Year of the Snake in 2025. Year of the Dragon is offered in a 7.5x50 Double Corona size with 8 different filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Mexico that have a combined age of over 60 years. The extensively aged filler blend is held together by a Dominican binder and finished with a high-quality Ecuadorian wrapper. Unlike most everything offered by Davidoff, Year of the Dragon features a unique unfinished foot with the wrapper absent from the first inch of the foot, allowing you to taste the impact of the wrapper on the flavor. You can expect a refined, balanced, and rich medium-bodied smoke with complex flavors of sweet spices and roasted nuts from the first puffs, joined by chocolate, oak, pepper, and a honey-like sweetness from the wrapper to give you hours of smoking bliss that keep you engaged. The elegant presentation in boxes of 10 with a pattern reminiscent of dragon scales completes the top-shelf look. To get Davidoff Year of the Dragon cigars for your collection, place your online order with Casa de Montecristo today to have a box reserved for pick-up or delivered to your door.