Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr. is one of the most talented cigar makers in the world, and with Allegiance by E.P. Carrillo cigars he is teaming up with the equally renowned Oliva cigar family. In fact, this is the first time that an E.P. Carrillo cigar has been made outside of the famous Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican Republic.
While top-rated blends like La Historia and Pledge are made in the Dominican Republic, Allegiance by E.P. Carrillo cigars are made by the Oliva family at their TABOLISA factory in Nicaragua. E.P. Carrillo took a selection of Oliva’s top-quality Nicaraguan long filler and binder tobaccos and surrounded the core with an elegant Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper.
All combined, Allegiance delivers an exceptionally rich and complex medium-full bodied smoke loaded with flavors of sweet spices, leather, roasted nuts, pepper, coffee, and caramel. These slow-burning gems show just how good a cigar can be when titans of the cigar world come together, and you need to get some for your humidor to get in on this luxury experience.
Available in 3 sizes and packaged in gorgeous green boxes of 20, pick up your Allegiance by E.P. Carrillo cigars at your local store or have them shipped fast to your door by placing your online order with Casa de Montecristo today.