With more than 300 years of combined tobacco experience, the Grupo de Maestros had access to the world's best tobaccos from fields where experts delicately care for every seedling planted, and master rollers crafted each cigar with the precision of an artist. These cigars come from some of the best origins and makers in the premium cigar industry, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras.
The group draws from their individual backgrounds and preferences but is united by one goal: to create the world's best premium cigars. The Grupo de Maestros take personal responsibility for each cigar they create and works tirelessly to craft the handmade premium cigars that adult enthusiasts enjoy.
The cedar-room has been opened for their latest exclusive, the Grupo de Maestros Vintage Collection, comprised of handcrafted and aged cigars with a unique taste. 10 plus years in the making, delivered with distinction.