H. Upmann Cigars collaborated with the legendary cigar maker, AJ Fernandez for the H. Upmann by AJ Fernandez series. The duo went all out for this remarkable blend, incorporating some of the rarest and super-premium tobaccos from around the world. At his factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, AJ Fernandez blended old world traditions with new world style, resulting in a truly remarkable stogie. This elegant blend commences with a Criollo 98 and Piloto Cubano filler, which is then cloaked in a Corojo 99 binder. AJ Fernandez chose an alluring Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper to finish this decadent tobacco arrangement. This meaty, medium-bodied cigar is teeming with cedar, coffee, licorice, baker’s spice and peppery aromas. Zesty undertones from the oily wrapper develop throughout the smoke. Blended, constructed and packaged with expert precision, H. Upmann by AJ Fernandez is an unparalleled aromatic experience. Cigar connoisseurs can choose from three vitolas to best suit their preferences.