HVC Cigars
HVC Cigar Company was founded in 2011 by Reinier Lorenzo, who was born and raised in Cuba. Cigar aficionados will taste a distinct Cuban style and Lorenzo’s passion for tobacco in every luxuriously smooth draw from HVC’s premium blends. Since debuting on the cigar scene, HVC has garnered critical acclaim and developed a loyal following of cigar connoisseurs. The company’s flagship release was dubbed First Selection and is composed with the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos and a vintage Corojo 99 wrapper. A few other notable releases from HVC include the San Isidro, Pan Caliente and the limited edition La Rosa 520. Besides flaunting Cuban-esque flavors, the names of Lorenzo’s brands also have Cuban roots, like La Rosa 520, which is the address of the home Lorenzo was raised in. Cigar connoisseurs need to add any or all of the premium HVC blends to their cigar repertoire and humidors.