La Gloria Cubana Serie R is a popular lineup of cigars within the brand’s premium portfolio. Serie R cigars are handmade within La Gloria Cubana’s El Credito factory, located in the Dominican Republic. La Gloria Cubana Serie R cigars boasts an impressive medley of Dominican, Brazilian, Mexican, and of course, Nicaraguan filler tobaccos; which are meticulously cured and aged, resulting in an inventive, and well-balanced body of complex flavors. Topped with a choice of an Ecuador Sumatra wrapper, or a robust Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro option, both of which are meticulously refined and enrobed by hand, courtesy of the factory’s skilled cigar artisans. Serie R is one of the best-selling collections in the La Gloria Cubana lineup, esteemed by smokers for its intricate flavor complex, which balances clever bursts of spice over a pleasant currant of wood, dried fruits, and floral notes.