La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black is a 92-rated premium cigar, specially crafted with an inspired blend of well-aged tobaccos. This exceptional Nicaraguan puro is handmade using a hybrid blend of Cuban-seed long-fillers secured within a zesty binder; and topped with a dark and expertly refined Topado ligero wrapper, grown from the fertile soils of the country’s Jalapa Valley. This rich cigar is loaded with high-quality flavor, providing a bold, hearty profile of earthy notes, fresh Nicaraguan coffee beans, sweetened cream, toasted cedar, and a complementing backbone of black pepper and other spices. La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black is an immensely robust, full-bodied cigar that burns strong throughout its course, and is a perfectly-balanced combination of provocative flavor and heft. This is a full-flavored premium cigar that’s not to be missed.