Smokers who feel like they’ve tried everything should take a second look at the Macanudo Emissary Espana. Named for the exploratory efforts to incorporate tobacco from the seldom used Iberian Peninsula in Spain, this line of cigars was born from the rocky soil and Mediterranean climate of Riolobos, which sits on Spain’s western edge near the border shared with Portugal. Picture olive trees and fields used to grow rich vegetation such as paprika sharing the land with this cigar giving the smoke a complex and intense flavor profile the likes of caramel, toasted almond and cedar. Debuting at the 2024 PCA Convention & Trade Show, this is a thrilling development that provides cigar lovers with a chance to experience something truly rare. The four-vitola line aims to bring a kind of regal, European feel, as indicated by the stately packaging featuring plenty of gold outlining the iconic Macanudo logo. For decades now, Macanudo has been a welcoming entry point for smokers just getting into the hobby. They have also catered to aficionados, a one-stop shop for those who know what they are looking for and aspire to a humidor full of high-quality cigars. Easily one of the most recognizable cigar brands in America, Macanudo has done a great job staying ahead of the market with over 10 million cigars sold anticipating the changing tastes and demographics of the cigar industry culminating in unparalleled success.A pivot into different regions of Spain shows the same spirit of curiosity normally associated with the industry’s budding boutique industry. The difference, of course, lies in a half century’s worth of equity across more than a dozen sub-brands. Ushering in countless generations of curious smokers, the brand extensions have consistently satisfied seekers quest for top quality handmade cigars. Whether someone was conducting their first pairing event with a coffee companion or searching for the ideal cigar display to accompany a high-end desert bar, customers likely came across the Macanudo brand first. The Emissary Espana contains five-year-aged Dominican piloto and Colombian tobacco blended with a six-year-aged Nicaraguan tobacco secured with a binder produced from Nicaragua’s Condega region that also has been aged for six years. Additionally, the wrapper aged for six years, a Connecticut-grown broadleaf, helps provide the cigar with its unmistakable combination of earthy and subtly sweet notes. Shop the entire line from Casa De Montecristo today. Try a sample in store from our perfectly tempered humidor and exquisite smoking lounge. Or you can also order online today and experience firsthand a first-of-its-kind experiment that is sure to create a domino effect across the industry. It’s always important to push your boundaries as a true aficionado, and the Macanudo Emissary Espana gives you the rare opportunity to take a chance where quality is an absolute guarantee.