Part of an exceptionally popular series of blends giving Macanudo a touch of modern flair, Macanudo Inspirado Green cigars are brimming with dark, rich flavors that a more seasoned aficionado would love. The Inspirado Series is where Macanudo pushes its boundaries, and the Inspirado Green marks a first for the famous Macanudo brand.
As one of the most well-known brands in the world, Macanudo is lauded for its mellow, smooth blends. Macanudo Inspirado Green cigars, however, buck that trend with a rich and complex flavor profile that will appeal to the most seasoned of palates. To create a profile that can satisfy mellow and full-bodied smokers alike, Macanudo blended with a tobacco it has never used before.
Serving as the top-quality wrapper is a beautifully dusky Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper, the first time a Brazilian leaf has ever been used for a Macanudo blend. This peppery, earthy leaf covers a sturdy Indonesian binder and finely aged long fillers from the Dominican Republic and Colombia.
Inspirado Green cigars will provide you with an exceptionally flavorful and rich medium-bodied smoke loaded with complex, dark flavors of chocolate, black pepper, earth, roasted nuts, and tobacco sweetness. Whether you are just a beginner looking for something bolder, or have a seasoned palate and want something flavorful, these gems will be an excellent addition to your humidor.
Available in four sizes, pick up your shockingly affordable Macanudo Inspirado Green cigars at your local store or have them delivered to your door by ordering them online today right here at Casa de Montecristo.