If you are looking for a rich and balanced luxury smoke, look no further than Espada by Montecristo Signature premium cigars. Crafted by two of some of the best cigar makers in the industry, Altadis USA and the famous Plasencia family, Espada Signature is hand rolled at the Plasencia’s prestigious Nicaraguan factory into a lone but perfectly sized 6x55 vitola named Valiente for this blend. Speaking of the blend, it is composed of the finest aged Nicaraguan long fillers from the Esteli region all seamlessly surrounded in a Nicaraguan Jalapa Colorado Claro wrapper with top-shelf quality. Espada Signature will enchant your palate with vibrant and flavorful yet refined medium-bodied flavors of spice, white pepper, leather, molasses, chocolate, and earth. With the reputation of Montecristo and the top-notch craftsmanship and tobaccos of Plasencia backing, these are some smokes that you will definitely want in your humidor. Available in ornate boxes of 10 but only for a limited time, get your hands on Espada by Montecristo Signature cigars by placing your online order today!