Following the exceptionally good #2 Cigar of 2021, the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante is a more mellow interpretation of its top-rated predecessor. Once again, the celebration of Montecristo’s 85th anniversary falls on the famous master blenders Rafael Nodal and A.J. Fernandez to do this top-shelf brand justice. When developing the 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua, several test blends were tried with the final decision coming down to two blends. One went on to become the 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua, but Rafael and A.J. knew that the other blend would also be spectacular – it just needed a bit more time to age. Now, that time has come, and the 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante is a true gem of a blend. They are crafted by hand crafted at the legendary Tabacalera A.J. Fernandez into 5 popular sizes, each box-pressed and fashioned with a blend of top-shelf Nicaraguan tobaccos. Three different kinds of tobaccos from Esteli are used for the long fillers, which are covered with an aged Criollo binder from Ometepe and a unique Cuban-seed Hybrid wrapper from Jalapa. Once you get a 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante cigar lit, your palate will be graced by a complex, balanced, and downright luxurious flavors of cocoa, oak, sweet cream, roasted nuts, spices, and earth. Packaged in stunning wooden boxes of 10, pick up your Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante cigars in-store or have them delivered to your door by placing an online order with Casa de Montecristo today.