The iconic Montecristo brand turned 85 this year, and Altadis U.S.A. decided to celebrate this milestone achievement by creating the hot new the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua cigars. The cigars are composed of all Nicaraguan tobaccos grown on A.J. Fernandez farms throughout the country. This well-balanced Nicaraguan puro blend is aged an additional 2-years after rolling to provide a medium to full bodied profile that’s creamy smooth and highly fragrant. The result is a beautifully balanced box pressed line of four vitolas that produce savory flavors of wood, dark roast coffee, cinnamon, earth, and spices , all enhanced with a long-lasting sweet tobacco finish. Order a box of 10 and discover a smoke that was made to emulate the flavor, quality, and characteristics of the original Cuban Monte from 1935.