Montecristo Epic is a 90-rated premium cigar that was handcrafted in Altadis U.S.A.’s Tabacalera de Garcia factory, by the renowned Grupo de Maestros Master Blenders. Epic is a high-quality, full-bodied delight, and a luxurious cigar that’s sure to satisfy any robust enthusiast. Handmade using a stellar blend of aged 2007 Nicaraguan and Dominican long-filler tobaccos, placed within a zesty Nicaraguan binder, and masterfully wrapped in a delicate Ecuadorian Habano leaf. The result of the Maestros’ craft is a sturdy and bold cigar that’s exceptionally flavorful, delivering rich nuances of caramel, chocolate, leather, espresso and cedar throughout its slow burn. Montecristo Epic is packaged in vivid boxes of 10, each of which has been signed by the talented artisan team behind this masterpiece.