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Montecristo Espada
Montecristo Espada cigars are more than a premium cigar— they’re the physical embodiment of the most prolific figures in the industry. When iconic names collaborate in any medium, there’s often higher expectation surrounding the result of their craft. So, when the timeless Montecristo legacy came together with the brilliant artisans of the famed Plasencia family, cigar enthusiasts across the globe were eager to sample the first collaborative release between the two icons.
The result of this momentous partnership was the Montecristo Espada. The first Montecristo offering made in Nicaragua, Espada is comprised solely of choice Nicaraguan tobaccos, painstakingly cultivated and aged by the renowned growers of the Plasencia family farm. Blended by Montecristo’s troupe of elite master artisans, the Grupo de Maestros, Montecristo Espada cigars are epic, top-shelf releases— which proudly display the honor, elegance, and world-class charm of two of the most notable names in the premium cigar industry.