When Altadis U.S.A released the Montecristo Espada brand in 2014, it marked the first time a Montecristo cigar was made with only premium Nicaraguan tobaccos. Riding on the heels of its enormous success, the following year they released the Montecristo Espada Estoque, the second all Nicaraguan blend in the Montecristo portfolio. This Montecristo Espada Oscuro, the third installment, is once again a Nicaraguan puro, this time covered with a rare Habano Oscuro wrapper, making it the darkest Espada to date. Once again blended and rolled by the famous Plasencia family in their factory in Estelí, Espada Oscuro provides the cigar enthusiast with a bold, yet exceptionally smooth medley of chocolate, earth, white pepper, cocoa, and hints of fruit. Be sure to pick up a box of these dark and delicious Espada’s the next time you buy cigars online.