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A brilliant collaboration between famous master blender AJ Fernandez and Montecristo, Montecristo Nicaragua cigars were carefully crafted in Fernandez’s Tabacalera AJ Fernandez de Nicaragua S.A. in Esteli, Nicaragua. These Nicaraguan puros exhibit a powerful full-body construction, allowing bold, rich flavors to fill your palette with every smooth draw. Packed to the brim with mouthwatering layers of leather, espresso, oak, and black pepper, these premium gems are must haves for new and old cigar aficionados alike. These tasty vitolas come in a variety of sizes to choose from, including Churchill, No. 2, Robusto, and Toro. If AJ Fernandez has a hand in crafting a cigar, you know it's going to be good, so be sure to add Montecristo Nicaragua cigars to your humidor for a top-notch smoke every time.