Introduced by the renowned Garcia family in 2012, My Father Flor de las Antillas Cigars quickly gained fame and notoriety throughout the world when the Toro was awarded the prestigious first-place title of Cigar Aficionado’s "25 Best Cigars of the Year". This first entirely box-pressed line from My Father cigars features an all-Nicaraguan blend of perfectly aged binder and long filler tobaccos, finished with both a smooth and seamless, reddish brown, sun-grown Corojo, or a dark and savory Ecuadorian Habano Maduro wrapper. The lighter wrapped Flor de las Antillas cigar beautifully captures the medium-bodied experience with a wide array of complex flavors that include cocoa, pepper, cedar, earth, and sweet tobacco. When choosing the maduro wrapper variety, you can expect a medium to full bodied smoke brimming with lush notes of wood, earth, espresso, chocolate, and toasted almonds.