The 20th Anniversary of Perdomo Cigars was celebrated by a remarkably versatile, premium line of stogies. Every cigar in this series features choice Nicaraguan binders and long fillers. Perdomo Cigars released three luxurious wrapper options to best suit aficionados’ palates, while also enabling them to discover new style preferences. Two of the wrappers are Cuban-seed tobaccos that have been expertly fermented in bourbon barrels for an extraordinary display of aromas. The opulent Maduro leaf is teeming with notes of rich espresso and dark chocolate. The Sun-grown offering bursts onto the palate with zesty citrus flavors, followed by woodsy undertones. Perdomo selected a seamless Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper for the third variation, which is brimming with caramel, cedar and earthy flavors. Connoisseurs will be captivated by the immaculate construction and mesmerizing aromatic bouquets that Perdomo 20th Anniversary series was hand-crafted with. Choose from our amazing selection and indulge your senses with a spectacular Perdomo smoking experience.