Por Larranaga Cigars are a reintroduction of once-famous brand of premium offerings, handcrafted in the tradition of old-world, 1834 Habana, Cuba. The Por Larranaga brand has been revived by Altadis U.S.A., in hopes of reconnecting contemporary smokers with a classically made cigar of yesteryear. Por Larranaga boasts a stunning Ecuador Connecticut wrapper, meticulously enrobing a flavorful Dominican Piloto 2012 binder, and a decadent selection of Dominican Piloto 2012 and Olor 2013 vintage filler tobaccos. This extraordinary combination has resulted in producing an indescribable aroma, and a complex profile highlighted by satisfying nuances of nuts, cream and well-integrated spice. Handmade in the Dominican Republic, and sold in handsome, 20-count boxes, this modern rendition of classic Cuban flavor is one that comes highly recommended for any passionate cigar enthusiast’s personal humidor.