Demonstrated through Rocky Patel Conviction is the epitome of opulence, easily finding its spot in the realm of luxury cigars.
Founded in 1996, Rocky Patel Cigars was established by Rocky Patel with a goal to create the best handmade cigars on the market. Nearly three decades later with numerous accolades and accomplishments in tow, one can say mission accomplished. Presently there are dozens of Rocky Patel blends floating around the cigar market with many receiving high praise and marks including 90+ ratings from acclaimed cigar publications. Each one is impeccably crafted, showcasing his relentless dedication, passion and conviction.
Although mostly known for his audacious and sometimes costly blends, many of his blends are also quite budget friendly catering to the value minded cigar community. However, according to Patel, he saw a demand for expensive cigars. “People were looking for something higher end,” he says. “There’s a strong demand for expensive cigars.”
Determined to create the perfect cigar, Rocky personally hand selected four of his most masterful torcedors, who collectively possessed over a century of experience, to craft these exceptional cigars. Only four cigarmakers “the best of the best,” he says, craft the cigars. The artisans were divided into two teams, bunchers and rollers, to produce these exclusive cigars at Patel’s Tavicusa factory in Nicaragua. To guarantee meticulous construction and consistency, there was a limit on their output with just a maximum of 250 cigars per day to guarantee flawlessness.
Handmade at Rocky Patel's Tabacalera Villa Cuba S.A. in Nicaragua, the cigars are a medium to full-bodied blend featuring a dark Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper. Enhancing the overall profile, the wrapper undergoes a traditional Cuban fermentation method known as terciario where the fermentation process helps the wrapper reach its full potential developing its oily, mouthwatering texture. Beneath the wrapper lies a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler comprised of vintage tobaccos harvested in 2014 sourced from Patel’s very own farms in the rich growing regions of Condega and Estelí. Each draw is effortless immersing the palate in indulgent tasting notes of honey, coffee, espresso and chocolate.
Conviction is formatted in one size, a box-pressed Toro measuring 6.5 inches by 52 ring gauge. Each cigar is individually wrapped in an aluminum tube before being placed in a box reminiscent of a bar of gold. They are then presented in a beautiful collectible box that doubles as a functional humidor. As a bonus, this ensures you optimal storage conditions preserving the cigars' freshness and flavor.
RP Conviction is a limited release cigar, with only 5,000 boxes of 10 cigars per box available. Enthusiasts are encouraged to secure their boxes quickly to avoid missing out on the opportunity to experience Rocky Patel’s newest leap into the realm of ultra-premium cigars. Shop Casa de Montecristo today online or at your nearest Casa de Montecristo store where if you’re just as excited as we are to try the cigar, you can take your first draw right in our ultra luxe cigar lounge and bar.