Blended to capture the essence of a ‘golden era’ of the premium cigar industry during the late 1960s and early 1970s, Trinidad Espiritu cigars are certain to please you aficionados out there that love their smokes vibrant and complex. Rolled by hand at the famous Tabacalera AJ Fernandez in Nicaragua into five popular sizes, Espiritu features a blend of the finest well-aged Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the blend all encompassed by a top-shelf Nicaraguan wrapper. These Nicaraguan puros are absolutely brimming with rich full-bodied notes of pepper, toast, wood, vanilla, and dashes of a bright citrus zest accompanied by a sweet aroma. Presented in boxes of 20 that display colorful vintage artwork reminiscent of the Caribbean styles of the era, these treats will be a standout in your humidor for both their looks and their flavor. Get your hands on Trinidad Espiritu cigars by placing your online order today!