When famous cigar manufacturers and tobacco growers in Cuba could no longer sell their products to the United States due the Cuban embargo of 1962, they first migrated to the Dominican Republic. These master craftsman brought with them all the experience and know-how they gained working in the fields in Cuba. Once in the Dominican Republic, many of these upstart brands began rolling premium cigars with the Cuban seed tobacco they smuggled in with them, and started growing tobacco in this rich and fertile country. Fast forward to decades later, and the Dominican Republic has become the largest producer of premium cigars in the world. At Casa de Montecristo, we have a massive selection of the best Dominican cigars for sale. It’s here at one of our many retail stores throughout the country and on our website, were you will find famous world class brands such as Romeo y Julieta, Montecristo, Ashton, Arturo Fuente, H. Upmann, Macanudo, La Flor Dominicana, and many more. Along with these luxury class brands, we have you covered with a huge selection of affordable hand rolled Dominican cigar bundles for your everyday enjoyment. Most of these award winning brands were expertly blended and rolled by second or third generation Cuban born cigar masters adhering to the strictest of old world standards. This is why Dominican Republic cigars easily rival or top the quality of the best Cuban’s out there. Every knowledgeable enthusiast knows that most cigars from the Dominican Republic boast excellent construction, great burning qualities, and provide their own delicious signature taste. Stop by the local Casa store near you, or browse through our website, and find the the best dominican republic cigars to suit your preferred flavor profile, size, wrapper color, packaging, price, and strength. We can almost guarantee that you won’t walk away empty handed!