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Full cigars are geared towards well-seasoned smokers who demand the utmost in intensely rich flavors from a premium cigar. The best truly full-bodied cigars are more than just smokes that produce bold, overwhelming strength with sheer force, but rather they are expertly blended to be highly complex, well balanced, and often very smooth on the palate. This is why full strength cigars have dramatically increased in popularity over the past couple of decades. Stronger cigars are more intense, exciting the senses with every savory draw and provide a very dynamic smoking experience. For some, the higher strength is intolerable, whereas for others they just perk up the flavors to whole new level of smoking satisfaction. Therefore, it’s not uncommon for a newcomer to the premium cigar smoking scene to start off with a good full bodied cigar and never look back, because the strength is manageable. If you are looking for a place that carries a huge selection of quality full bodied cigars from different countries of origin, sizes, shapes, packaging, prices, and wrapper shade varietals, then Casa de Montecristo has you covered. It’s here at one of our many retail locations throughout the country and on our website , where you will find wildly popular full bodied blends from My Father, Padron, La Gloria Cubana, Montecristo, Perdomo, Ashton, Drew Estate, and many more. For a slightly mellower experience, browse our selection of medium cigar blends.