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Some of the most highly sought after and respected premium cigars hail from Honduras. Boasting bold, full flavored, earthy, leathery, and spicy flavors, many knowledgeable enthusiasts feel that Honduran cigars are as close as they will ever come to a genuine Cuban smoking experience. However, there are a few exceptions such as Hoyo Excalibur, Baccarat, Gispert, and Henry Clay Warhawk, to name a few, that use a combo of mellower tobacco varietals, and some cases creamy Connecticut wrappers to tone down the strength. Although some of these tamer blends deviate from the norm, they offer the rich, unique, ”Cubanesque” essence and qualities of their bolder Honduran counterparts. The Best Honduran cigars that we carry includes all of the premium cigars mentioned above, plus more traditional bolder offerings from Camacho, Rocky Patel, Punch, Saint Luis Rey Serie G, Rocky Patel The Edge, and many more. Here at Casa de Montecristo, whether it be at your nearest retail store, or on our website , we have a fully staffed team of highly trained tobacco experts that can help you find your favorite Honduran cigars, or discover some of the other Honduran cigar brands that best suits your favorite tobacco blend, size, wrapper color, budget requirements, and strength profile. Stop by the Casa nearest you, or click on the Honduran page on our website, and learn about all the rich, flavorful virtues and qualities that handmade premium value Honduran cigars provide.