Medium-to-full bodied cigars allow well-seasoned smokers to enjoy all of the rich, complex flavors that premium cigars provide without the extra intensity found in full bodied cigars. Our many retail stores throughout the country, as well as our website, is chock-full of the best medium- to- full bodied cigars from the biggest names in the biz, along with boutique brands, 5-packs, 10-packs, samplers, and affordable no-frills bundles. Top selling cigars such as Cohiba Black, Hoyo de Monterrey, Punch, Oliva Serie V, Rocky Patel the Edge, H. Upmann Nicaragua, and many more, all use the world’s finest binder and fillers topped off with grade A wrappers in various shades. In addition, the best medium-full bodied cigars, including the ones mentioned above, are aged to perfection to provide a robust, yet exceptionally smooth experience. This is why many smokers who normally prefer a mellow or medium smoke, are surprised by how well they can adapt to and enjoy a top-quality medium-to-full bodied cigar. Stop by the Casa de Montecristo retail store near you, or browse the medium-to-full bodied section of our website, and find the perfect cigar that suits your preferred flavor profile, country of origin, size wrapper color, packaging, and budget. We think that you will be pleasantly surprised by how many great medium-to-full bodied cigars that the Casa has to offer.