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Mellow Cigars, although a popular choice among newcomers, often get a bad rap among some enthusiasts who prefer a bolder cigar smoking experience. This is because that they feel mellow bodied means that the cigar is weak in strength, lacks flavor, or both. Just ask any knowledgeable cigar aficionado, along with the most notable cigarmakers in the industry today, and they will tell you that this is a total misconception that lacks any merit! Ligero tobacco leaves grown at the top of the plant gets the most sunshine bringing out the leaves natural starches and sugars thus creating a higher strength cigar. That said, strength is not to be confused with the body, which describes the overall texture of the smoke and the smoothness level of how the flavors are delivered. Some of the best mellow cigars that we carry such as Macanudo, Montecristo, Don Diego, and Rocky Patel the Edge Connecticut, are described as creamy smooth and loaded with rich flavors. Taste is always subjective. While Some people love their coffee black and strong others prefer it with plenty of milk and sugar. The same hold true for handmade premium cigars and good mellow cigars make for a unique smoking experience. Experimentation is the ideal way to find the good and the bad of each cigar’s flavor, body, and strength to determine which type of smoke best suits your palate. While you’re at it, why not start by smoking some of the great handmade mellow cigars that we sell here at the Casa. Even if you think you will only enjoy a fuller bodied cigar, you may be pleasantly surprised by how a mellow cigar can offer an equally gratifying smoking experience. For a slightly richer experience, browse our selection of mellow-to-medium cigars.